Siamese Cat ..
Chat Siamois©Bianco/Ciou/Venusdea/Mc Productions
✚ At last I can introduce the first book being issued this week for the label, more precisely on November 12th for the whole Europe : " Chat Siamois ".
The book is made up of eighty pages, of a cherry red cloth fabric cover and a black glittering hot-press print.
The inside is pure Munchen 130 gr ( a beautiful and natural Swedish paper ) which most importantly is recycled paper !
This is a manufacturing factor of my books which I particularly care of , since I am a fond ecologist.
It is Being sold to the public at € 24.50.
In 2010, depending on issue will be released with a figures (art toyz), But soon I'll speak about this here on the blog.
✚ Finally I can tell you about the first book due out this week for the label, just the November 12 throughout Europe, " Chats Siamois . The book has a
eighty pages, a cover fabric cherry red with a shiny black hot stamping. The interior
is pure Munchen 130 gr (a beautiful and natural Swedish paper) but above all it is recycled paper!
a manufacturing factor of my books that I care much, since I'm an ecologist.
can discover the first pages of the book by clicking HERE.
The price to the public is € 24.50. In 2010
will provide for a second output, a figure (art toyz), but I will speak 'soon here on the blog.
© Ciou.Photo by J.Lesur
✚ So where to begin?
Well, by introducing the two authors: Guillaume Bianco and Ciou.
Ciou is an artist I met in the distant 2001.
I discovered her works by chance at the Angouleme Festival. I wanted to buy one of her amazing paintings. And on Sunday, the day in which I was supposed to retrieve it, I couldn’t reach her at her stand because I had too many dedications to finish. And oops! I lost both the contact and the painting. I knew nothing about her. Not even her name. Impossible to find her again...
But two years later I ran into an exhibition by Ciou in the very city I live in!
And there I found that very painting, which I was able to buy eventually! But this is not important.
Because that was the starting point of a beautiful friendship between us which has lasted through the years up to today. I am an eager collector of her art (my house is full of them!) and for me it is dream-like to know that this all had a reason to happen and I it is really me the one to publish her first book! As if to say… we were destined to it, didn’t we? A fable in its own, in fact.
Just as the marvellous story by Guillaume Bianco , written just for her : " Emmy Hyacinthe Muffin. "
Here above a beautiful picture Obviously by Julien Lesur (amazing photographer, graphic artist of the book" Chat Siamois "and chow's Significant Other) as portrait of hers.
✚ Where to start? Well, introducing the two authors: Guillaume Bianco and chow.
Ciou is an artist that I know from back in 2001.
I discovered by chance at the Angouleme Festival . I wanted to buy one of her amazing paintings.
And on Sunday, the day that I had to go get it, I could not reach his stand because I had too many dedications Op! Lost contact and the painting I knew nothing about her.
Not even her name to find. But after two years, I find an exhibition of chow in the city where I live! And there I found the same piece, which eventually buy! But this is not important. Because that was born a beautiful friendship with you that you can in the years up to today.
They are a true collector of his pieces (I have a house full!) And for me it is really a dream to know that this all had a reason and I that I am prorpio to publish his first book! How to say .... we were destined, eh? A fairy tale indeed, of a kind.
as the marvelous story of Guillaume White, written specifically for her: Emmy Hyacinthe Muffin. "
Above obviously a beautiful picture of Julien Lesur (amazing photographer, graphic designer of the book "Chat Siamois and fellow chow) as portrait.
© White, photo by B. Canepa
✚ And here a picture of the writer of " Chats Siamois " Guillaume Bianco . Shot at the "Highgate Cemetery in London. If You Want to Know Something more about him just visit his gorgeous blog .
And if you love him already, well, starting in September up to Christmas a good 4 books of his are planned to be released: ECO , Billy Brouillard book#2 , Epictete and our " Chats Siamois ".
Almost a record, I should say…And I can’t decide which one is the best. Go and check them out, in fact…
✚ E qui una foto dello scrittore di " Chat Siamois ": Guillaume Bianco .
Shot at Highgate Cemetery in London.
If you want to know something more about him, just visit his wonderful blog .
And if you love me already, well, from September up to Christmas, there are four well-Books: ECO , Billy Brouillard book # 2 , Epictete and our "Chats Siamois ".
Almost a record, I'd say ... And I'm one the best.
Go and check them out, in fact ....
chow chow
✚ That is not only an artist can express herself on paper and canvas, But Is Also an incredible inventor of dolls like this one. And today, Because She is now famous (oh yes! We have to say this out loud!) She has no more time to do Them and I know I Consider myself lucky to own a nice collection of her dolls.
introduces you chow and I could not not show you her beautiful microcosm as well, Could I?
✚ chow is not just an artist who expresses himself beautifully on canvas and paper, but also an incredible inventor of dolls like this.
And today, because she has become famous (oh yeah! Must say ..) no longer has time to do them and me I feel very fortunate, therefore, have a nice collection of her dolls. I could not introduce
chow, without you even knowing that her beautiful microcosm, right?
© Ciou
✚ An octopus-god! Is not it the funniest thing ever?
This one is part of my personal collection, as a matter of fact. And I am proud of it! ^ __ ^
✚ An octopus-god! But it's not funny?
This is part of my personal collection, as a matter of fact I am very happy! ^ __ ^
© Ciou and J/Mizuno. Expo "Bestial group show" Iguapop/Barcelone.
✚ And here you can see one of the many expos of this incredible artist.
On the left-hand side you can recognize the very talented Junko Mizuno : another artist soon enough VENUSDEA of course.
What else can I shortly say about Ciou : she’s an artist born in Toulose, currently living and working in Belgium. Her first expo was shown in NYC back in 2004.
As of today she has had many expos, also in Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rome up to the United States, where, she still has currently showcases.
✚ And here one of the many expo of this incredible artist.
On the left, you can recognize the very talented Junko Mizuno : another artist soon VENUSDEA course. What about
briefly Ciou : is an artist born in Toulouse who works and lives now in Belgio.La his first show was in 2004 in NYC.
Today she has had many, from Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rome up to the States, where he continues to expose.
© Ciou
✚ Her works are a sort of patchwork of pages taken from old books, ancient tapestries and acryl paint. I am personally a fan of one of her B/W pieces like the one you can admire here above. But I can’t really dismiss any part of this incredible artist, can I?
Her world is an oniric and fabulous universe, but also a bit child-like. And very noir at the same time. Somewhat like Tim Burton, Lewis Carrol and Junko Mizuno, I would say.
✚ Le sue opere sono come una sorta di collage di pagine di vecchi libri, tappezzerie antiche e pittura a acrilico.
Io personalmente sono una fan dei suo pezzi in B/N come quello che potete ammirare qui sopra.Ma non disdisco nulla di questa incredibile artist, eh?
His world is dream world and fabulous, but also children. And at the same time very noir.
Between Tim Burton, Lewis Carroll and Junko Mizuno, I think.
Chats Siamois © White / chow / VENUSDEA / Mc Productions
✚ " Chats Siamois " is her first book , in collaboration with Guillaume Bianco .
If You Want to meet her to speak with her and Have a dedication on your book, just Have a look at the AGENDA on the left-hand side of this blog. There are
Noted all dates in the chow Which will be present until Christmas in the whole Europe, and There Are Also Guillaume's dates too.
As you can see, there are true Some exhibitions as well, with sessions for the book signing.
✚ " Chats Siamois " is his first book, in collaboration with Guillaume Bianco .
If you want to meet to talk and have a dedication in the book, do nothing but watch the ' AGENDA on the left of the blog.
Are there any dates you will be here at Christmas chow throughout Europe and also the dates of Guillaume.
As you can see, there are some real exposure, with seances of signing for the book.
Chats Siamois © White / chow / VENUSDEA / Mc Productions
✚ For 2010 as of now there is just exhibition at the marvelous " Bizarro World "gallery in Rome , with Another connected to this exhibition and book Itself next April to beautiful Planned Also at the expo is " 9 Art Festival " too taking place in Aix en Provence (France).
But I will tell you more in detail the dates and much more later on.
- And I do not want to forget to thank Katie Zacharias for the translations into Inglese.
She is going to be my right "shoulder" on this blog. So, thank you ...
✚ For the year 2010 , for now there is a magnificent exhibition at the gallery " Bizarro World" in Rome, with its exposure related to this book and a ' another beautiful exhibition will be held in April at the festival of the "9th Art even at Aix en Provence. (France)
But I will tell you 'well below for dates and more.
- And I will not forget to thank Katia Zechariah, for the English translation.
she will always be my right shoulder, in fact, on this blog.Grazie, so ...