Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Is My Dogs Lip Discolored

: Venusdea:: small teaser!

I start up the blog about V enusdea at last.
And I've been thinking about what to tell you for three days now, how to make a debut with the first post.
And the fear That I Could Was not bore you small at all, or the one to write too much in the post. Because many of you know me already, but many new readers (I hope!) don’t. So what to do next? Should I introduce myself?
Mumble… no, no, what a mistake it would’ve been!
The best way to celebrate the new blog is simply to show you the projects and the artwork of the great talented artists belonging to this project.

And the rest doesn’t matter…

Je mets finalement en ligne un nouveau blog : celui de V e n u s d e a .
Voilà désormais trois days that I think about what am I going to tell you, how am I going to start this first post.
Fear of being boring with a post far too long, this is certainly well.
many of you know me already, but new visitors (who will hopefully join us soon), no.
So what? Present me? Mmmmhhh ... ... No, it is a mistake I think.
The best way to inaugurate this blog is simply to show you the projects and pictures of great talents who are just parti.Tout.
The rest counts for little.

So, without adding anything more, (we will all the time to do so thereafter), here are some artists and world premieres absolute on projects that come out of the label between 2009 and 2010.

: Mekaneko:: © Matteo long / Venusdea / Mc Productions

The first one I feel the duty to speak about IS MEKANEKO . This Is for Many Reasons, goal Mainly Because Matteo De Longis Is The Official Of The graphic artist and label of this gorgeous blog. So, Given thesis of verse he's The King of the first post! A small teaser is The Most meka-cat existing, Then!

This is the "Acid Black " version.

The first project I want to talk about is MEKANEKO .
And for many reasons but the main one is the fact that
Matteo De Longis is the official designer label Venusdea and this wonderful blog! Here

version " Acid Black "

: Mekaneko:: © Matteo long / Venusdea / Mc Productions

And here, a small preview of one of the Great art work inside the " Mekaneko Booklet "

And here a small preview of an illustration of " Mekaneko Booklet.

: Mekaneko:: © Matteo long / Venusdea / Mc Productions

✚ The "White Pearl "version ..

✚ Version" White Pearl "

© Sabine Maya Mindou / Venusdea / Mc Productions

Another sneak preview: the SABINE project by Maya Mihindou .

✚ Another excluded absolute SABINE by Maya Mihindou .

© Sabine Maya Mindou / Venusdea / Mc Productions

Another image of this work Which Counts More Than 200 pages + Art toyz

✚ An image of this work which has over 200 pages, accompanied by an amazing figure (Art toyz)

"Beautiful Nightmare" © Nicoletta Ceccoli / Venusdea / Mc Productions

It's a real honor for me to Introduce, again for Venusdea, the Art Book " House of Beautiful Nightmares " by Nicoletta Ceccoli
I do not want to add more ... Just an image speaking for her!

I am also very honored to present to you, always Venusdea, Art Book "House of Beautiful Nightmares of Nicoletta Ceccoli . I will say no more ...
For her, just one of his pictures, and everything is saying!

"Ravina the Witch" © Junko Mizuno / Venusdea / Mc Productions

Another artist Who Does not Need an introduction: Junko Mizuno .
Her Project is Going To Be Called " Ravina the Witch": a full color print book + Art Toyz

✚ Another artist that needs no introduction: Junko Mizuno .
His project will be called "the Witch Ravina . This is a full-color book + an Art Toyz

"Ravina the Witch" © Junko Mizuno / Venusdea / Mc Productions

✚ And here, for The Very First Time, a sneak preview Of The Toyz In The enclosed book. Anyone guess of What It Is?

✚ And here, again ruled the world, another preview of his Toyz will be attached to a little livre.Devinez this?

MILKY © Lilidoll / Venusdea / Mc Productions

A project Personally I care a lot about: MILKY for Lilidoll .
Here As Well, Let's Clear the way for just one beautiful image. This One Will Be aussi published book have more Art Toyz.

A project I would particularly like: MILKY by Lilidoll .
Again, a beautiful image is enough to tell us a lot about his incredible universe!
The book will also be accompanied by a figure too.

© Veronique Meignad / Venusdea / Mc Productions

One awesome image only for The Talented Veronique Meignaud . An eclectic artist in
All Her ... Exceptional doings, i would say.

✚ Another amazing image, this time - it made by the fantastic Veronique Meignaud . This artist is very eclectic in many ways ...
I find most outstanding.

© Ciou

And at last, Even If It Deserves to Be The second one after Mekaneko , the "first" book Being Issued for Venusdea starting next November 12 !
The title IS Going To Be SIAMESE CATS & the artist Making the illustrations IS Ciou . I Do not Want Anything to Disclose yet, Because I Will soon write a post Dedicated to this project.

✚ And finally, a book that deserved to be in second position just after Mekaneko , the first book Venusdea be released on November 12 . It's called
SIAMESE CATS , the artist who has illustrated Ciou .
I prefer not to get too elaborate for the moment, I will devote a more complete post for this purpose.

Miss Carnage © lostfish / Venusdea / Mc Productions

And to Conclude, Another sneak preview here: Venusdea IS Going to Be The label publishing The Art Book "Nebulae" by lostfish .

✚ To conclude this first post, one last excluded: Venusdea label that will publish the first of Art Book "Nebulae of lostfish (just like Nicoletta Ceccoli).

... .............................................

Many more artists are going to Be a Part of the label ... Obviously
I Will speak about 'em in my next posts.
The official list, In Any case, posted here IS aside.
And You Can Already read big names Such as Benjamin Lacombe , Mark Verhaagen gold Natalie Shau ...

There will, of course, many other artists to follow.
I'll talk soon.
Be aware that the official list is right here in the left column ...
Vous pouvez déjà y lire la présence d' artistes du calibre de Benjamin Lacombe , Mark Verhaagen ou Natalie Shau ...


Next time I’ll tell you more about what VENUSDEA is, how it was born and some history about the label’s logo.

Very last information: the Venusdea website is soon to be opened.

This blog is meant as a support to it, not to compete with it.
It’s the label as I see it, from the point of view of who created it and lives and feels it every day. It’s not a formal nor marketing blog. Here I would like to share with you all the richness of the projects.
It is going to be a web space devoted to their stories, to the artist’s lives, their artistic development, their expos, but most important you will know all the background stories of every issue. 
The so-called WIP, which on the website will not have space, needless to say. But most important, I hope there is going to be a real communication with you, exchange of ideas, interaction and what else. I would like it to be a playful, cultural space about the info on Venusdea current events.

For Those Who Do not Know Me, All the News Is On my profile, or do visit my other blog , online since 2008.
You Will Also find information about Another collection I manage: Metamorphosis.

And Everything Else letting aside, I Still Remain a 100% artist, Come What May!
And A Woman ... Which Is Quite Something
... ^ __ ^

✚ Next time I'll explain better what Venusdea , its history, how this label was he born, etc. ...
One last thing: in a short time, a site Venusdea will also emerge. This blog it is a medium, not a "competitor".
This is the label told by me, which I thought and saw the quotidien.Ce is not a formal or blog marketting.Je like, here, you do succeed in collecting all the richness of each projets.Ce of web space will be dedicated to their history, lives of artists, their different paths, their exhibitions, but mostly you can find out about the behind the scenes of each songs ... I hope this space will be a meeting place for fun, a real space for communication, trade and ideas, a cultural and fun filled information about the news of the label.

Who does not know me yet, all information about me is on my profile, I invite you to visit my blog , online since late 2008.
You can find information about the other collection that I run: Metamorphosis .

Apart from that, I rest my hand for an artist to 100% and always will be! And
woman ... And this is not nothing! ^ __ ^


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