everyoooooooone Hi! Christmas is already finished, I hope I'm not the only find that it went (too) soon! I hope you've been spoiled, I personally am VERY VERY VERY happy with my gifts, including the one I want to share with you: p
My mom knew her adoration for my mac, and especially my lack of brushes (: s) so she kindly offered me the kit Wave of Wind's collection of year-end with the brushes that come with it! I'm really happy too, brushes are perfect for defining the color scan. and I'm relieved to have a place to store them too (freestyle ended in a drawer). Here are the specifications of the kit contents: 129SE, 190SE, 212SE, 227SE and 275SE. I suspect that all this means nothing to you, so take a look here:
Small Incidentally, I also had my new camera as planned, so I have no excuse for not putting pictures! ;)
I wish you a good eve of New Year's Day, and drive sober! P