Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ways To Earn Medallion Qualification Miles

For some days we are here in winter, the end of the year is here, and we are tired, sleepy, despite the celebrations that give us back some energy! To give myself a little bit of pizzazz, so I wanted to pay attention to S E C N M E A K U E P .

flashy colors by tree Figures and pop eccentrics like Audrey Kitching, Raquel Reed, and of course seeded Lady Gaga, certainly does not go unnoticed and restore me fishing! : P

It is therefore the perfect opportunity to talk about the brand LIMECRIME Makeup! Its creator, Doe Deere has set itself the goal of creating a brand of makeup with colors POP and flashy at the highest point, I am completely impressed! To be honest I found this there are literally two days, and by chance! By searching on the site, I found a lipstick lavender beautiful! So if you're craving a little color in our society ..... sad Lime Crime is for you!

I invite you to go here:

Photos (in order): Doe Deere, Raquel Reed, Lady Gaga, Kiki Kannibal, Audrey Kitching )

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!



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