Thursday, April 8, 2010

Indian Actress Showing There Boobs

Ciou exhibition & signing this weekend!

© Ciou.Photo by B.Canepa

A short post to make you aware that this weekend, starting from today, Ciou and Bianco Will Be Their Book signing "Siamese Cat" here, Encounters At The the 9th Art " -
Aix en Provence (France)

Just wanted to let you know that this weekend (including today), Ciou and Bianco sign the book "Siamese Cat " hereby, the "Rencontres de la 9th Art" à Aix en Provence (France) .

© Ciou.Photo by B.Canepa

The meeting with these two authors will last until Sunday the 11th April , with conferences and shows of part of Tim Burton 's filmography in cinema halls.
If you want to know more about this, all the info is
If you want to buy the book and meet Coiu and Guillame you can find them, at Cité du Livre every afternoon.

Le rendez-vous avec ces Both authors will last until Sunday, April 11 with meetings, discussions and feedback on various parts of the Tim Burton's filmography in cinema.
For more information, complete information can be found
Finally, if you buy their book and meet them, you can find them at the City Paper all afternoon.

© Ciou.Photo by B. Canepa

It's 26th March Ciou Exhibit Opened WAS, as a matter of Fact, At The Susini gallery: here's the Pictures of the opening. The exhibit
Will Still Be Open for a week, Until The 17th April .

On March 26, it passed the opening of the exhibition Ciou.
Here are some pictures of the opening to the "gallery Susini" .

The expo will still be visible a week until April 17 .

© Ciou.Photo by B. Canepa

Siamese Cat © Bianco / Ciou / Venusdea / Mc Productions.Photo by B. Canepa

© Ciou.Photo by B. Canepa

© Ciou . Photo by B. Canepa

The exhibition space is beautiful and has Ciou painted a fresco With Most Of The Gallery With shapeless and fantasy characters. It's really
Striking, Then, to Be immerged in this DEAM-like universe of hers.

The space devoted to the exhibition is very nice and even drew Ciou fresques à même le mur , avec ses personnages amorphes et f antastiques.
Un régal si l'on aime s'immerger dans son univers onirique...

© Ciou.Photo by B.Canepa

✚ The works of this artists which are shown come both from the book published with Venusdea (on the second floor of the building original drawings from the book and its cover are shown and for sale) and from more recent works of this artist, independently of the book (on the main floor)

Les oeuvres exposées are a part from the book "Siamese Cat " published by Venusdea (the second floor of the gallery you will find the said drawings sales and the original design of the book cover), others are works latest Ciou , independent of the book (on the ground chuassé, in the main room ...) .

© Ciou.Photo by B. Canepa

© Photo by B. Canepa


© Photo by B.Canepa


See you soon with more exhibits of the label's artists.


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