Sunday, June 27, 2010

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"Nigthmare Beautiful" by Nicoletta Ceccoli!


© Ceccoli/Venusdea/Mc Productions

✖ I can show you, at last, the next book by the Label Venusdea , which took us more than 2 years of work, " Beautiful Nigthmares ".
The first and only collection of the works so far, by the talented and unique
Nicoletta Ceccoli .
A big and elegant Art Book of
136 pages , coming for a price of 34,50 EUR .
The book is in two versions : French and English.

The one you see here is the final cover page.
Some better pictures of the book will soon come online, and some more interesting information, with the next posts.

✖ Je peux enfin vous présenter the next book label Venusdea we're working on for over two years, " Beautiful Nightmares."
This is the first and only collection of made to date, one of the unique and brilliant Nicoletta Ceccoli .
A large and elegant Artbook of 136 pages, for a price of 34.50 euros .
The book includes two languages: English and French

The display here this is the final cover.
But other images from the book, much better than that one will arrive soon, enriched by many other information Interessantes lors de prochains post. Vous est née
découvrirez comment, comment s'est développée great cette collaboration avec Nicoletta Ceccoli ...

I can submit, finally, the next book Label VENUSDEA we're working on for over two years, " Nigthmares Beautiful."
The first and only collection of the works done until now, the talented Nicoletta Ceccoli .
A large and elegant art book 136 pages, priced at € 34.50 .
The book is in two versions: English and French.

What you see here is the final cover.
Other best picture of this will come soon enriched by interesting information about the book.


© Ceccoli

✖ As you've understood Already, then, this is just a teaser, of before the real release of the book. But here's
Already Some useful information:
- "Beautiful Nightmares " will be released as preview in France and French-speaking countries on 22st September
Afterwards it will be released in Europe and in the rest of the world.

- In France, and in other European countries, it will be available in the biggest general bookstores, Virgin Megastores, Fnac, comics bookshops and obviously art galleries like all the other Venusdea projects released so far.
- For other European countries, it will be easily purchased in big bookstores which sell foreign books, galleries, museums and art and design bookshops.

For those who don't live in France, The Book Already available for purchase IS on the web:
HERE at Fnac .
But not only! In a short time, With shipment worldwide, direct purchase from The Venusdea website. Also this blog
Will icts exchange looks, and to ease The Search Of The purchase Venusdea Catalog.

✖ As you already understood, therefore, it is just a teaser, before the upcoming release of the book ...
In the meantime, here are a few useful information:
" Beautiful Nightmares "released in France in preview and in the Francophone countries from the September 22 and thereafter in the rest of the world.
- For France and other European countries he will be present in all major bookshops, Virgin Megastores, Fnac, bookstores BD, and of course in art galleries. Like the rest of the production output to date Venusdea.
- Regarding other European countries, its acquisition will be made in bookstores that sell foreign books, galleries, museums, libraries, art and design.
- For those who do not live in France, the book is already available on the website Fnac, sleep and already on sale.
But know that very soon, you can spend your orders directly on the site Venusdea , shipments will be made worldwide!
The blog will also change in appearance to facilitate your research and acquisitions Catalog Venusdea .

Come avete già capito ✖, quindi, questo è solo teasing a prima vera e propria dell'uscita.
Ma ecco già that, qualche informazione helpful:
- " Beautiful Nightmares "will premiere in France and French-speaking countries on September 22.
success in Europe and then worldwide.
- In France, as in other European countries, will be available in all large general library, Virgin Megastores, Fnac, BD libraries and art galleries of course like all projects VENUSDEA released to date.
- For other European countries, will be easily sold in large bookstores that also sell foreign books, galleries, museums and libraries of art and design.

For those who do not live in France, the book is already on sale at the Fnac .
not all! Among very short, with shipping all over the world, directly on the site VENUSDEA .
The blog will change in appearance, to help you find and buy the Catalog VENUSDEA .


© Ceccoli

The VENUSDEA website will be on line this summer.
A long wait, which has just recently shown its worth.
Venusdea needed a wider Catalogue to have a vending website and to change/increse the vendors and the hosts.
The set up was (and is) more complex than expected... So please bear with us if something is not perfect still, but an arts label is not set up in such a short time.
We are still less than a year old, in fact.

✖ Le site de Venudea sera en ligne dans le courant de l'été.
Une longue attente qui a porté ses fruits il y a peu.....
Venusdea avait besoin d'un catalogue plus conséquent , de son propre site de vente , ainsi that an increase in its broadcasters and distributors ...
The organization is, and has been a little more complex than expected ... Please accept our apologies, all is not perfect yet, but a label of art of this magnitude does not come up in so little time. Indeed, the label has not yet a year old ...

✖ It sito di Venusdea , sarà in linea questa estate.
Una lunga attesa che ha portato i suoi frutti solo da poco.
Venusdea AVEVA più bisogno an important Catalogo a cambiare sito di vendita e / e aumentar I Distributors diffusori.
The organizzazione è was (and is) a bit more complex then ... Sorry if that's not all perfect, but a label of art she is on so quickly. We have less than a year, in fact.


© Ceccoli

✖ For everybody's happiness VENUSDEA the Catalogue will be online and Easily accessible starting from now until September!
And now, just for you, Some pages a sneak preview of "Beautiful Nightmares "

✖ Sachez, plus large à votre joie, que le VENUSDEA catalog, evening en ligne d'ici the mois de septembre et aura une très easily de consultation!
Voici donc pour vous en exclusivité absolue, quelques pages du merveilleux " Beautiful Nightmares."

✖ To the delight of all the Catalogue VENUSDEA will be online and easy to read between now and September!
Here, for you, a few pages, a preview of "Beautiful Nightmares."


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--- see you soon --------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------


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