Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bacteria When Shaving

purpose for such reasons? New strategy

And the list of the dead continues! Two killed in Fianarantsoa during the riot on Friday, February 27, 2009. Tears are constantly wet the faces of families and friends of the victims! Decidedly, the Malagasy who thirst for peace, are still forced to be patient until an undetermined date even if it not only cost them a fortune but also the lives of their own.

Given the incessant call for dialogue by the FFKM, the UN envoy as well as other civil society groups, the opposition leaders still insist provocation in the streets. Their appeasement of violence and death of their supporters is clear. Before the massacre of February 7, 2009, they did not bother to offer the life of their "sheep". One wonders as the true motivation of these gentlemen. What is wrong to talk? And the loser is the people. In Fianarantsoa, some schools close their doors on Monday 02 and Tuesday, March 3, 2009 and to the detriment of students. Especially those who prepare their exams. Besides the physical damage as a result of flooding. And according to our information, the purveyors of violence continue their journey south, specifically in Tulear. They go there to stir up discontent among people. Their goal is to mobilize in defense of democracy, but their act is quite the antithesis. They mobilize for strong violence and do nothing to the legality and dialogue. Rajoelina at least had the courage to accept the face-to-face, mediated the FFKM, but other leaders, they have not even tried. Mr. Marc Ravalomanana continues to reiterate its willingness to listen, but he preaches in a vacuum. All "raiamandreny" both domestic and foreign suggest a peaceful solution, but they turn a deaf ear. Can we then expect these gentlemen to leave this country of this tunnel? A

analyze their strategy, they are for the general disturbance in Madagascar. They are bent on sabotaging any cost for keeping the international meetings planned this year in Madagascar. Their pleasure is seeing tarnish the image of Madagascar in the internationally especially in Africa. Their ambition is to spend a very black page in the history book of our country. Or with a little thought and wisdom, we can form an inclusive government to ensure the continuity of the state and working in the achievement of these meetings. With hindsight, they will understand that these events will generate currency for our economy. With a bit of calm, they know that tourists are not attracted to our country without any public security and rule of law. They are very aware of the role of law in the protection of individuals, particularly their lives.

All in all, a better life for their countrymen is far from being the concern of these opposition leaders.



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