Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Metallica, My Brother

Resolve through dialogue or the gun?

This situation of disorder in Madagascar reached its pinnacle. The reason is no longer an emergency. Consciousness is no longer heard. The law is openly flouted. What to do?

The reason is no longer an emergency
The reason is the only option for the man to return to the past and predict the future. It is thus the only light that makes us see the melancholy this past February 7, 2009. To mention this because the damage is as varied as heavy. This natural light in us is the only one who realizes that, tomorrow we will reap what we sow or sow today. The good or bad. So, if these opposition leaders do not opt for dialogue and continue to be locked in the hole "me care less," they will have on the back the tears of these men and women they mercilessly manipulate and they lead to the ultimate sacrifice. Tomorrow will be dismal if not for them directly for at least their descendants

consciousness is no longer heard.
Conscience is that faculty which helps us to distinguish between good and evil, honorable and worthy. It is unworthy of a potential leader to stir up fear among the Malagasy. The money that makes these trips in the regions can help to feed the poor, educate the Children from poor families, build health infrastructure ... But they prefer to silence their conscience for the benefit of their intestinal revenge. They opt for war over peace. They do not care about this "voice of God in every person" to satisfy their tribalism. Democracy, democracy ... In fact, it is only a pretext.

The law is openly flouted.
The law is the only framework in which the weak can survive and enjoy some freedom.
This strategy of hitting the streets every time you want to change the government, influenced generations to come. They are introduced to the illegality. Their education tends to make them "outlaws." Grown-ups, public and private officials, learn them to trample the law under the guise of a legitimate claim. It is not to belittle this claim. Far from it. What is deplorable is the willingness to destroy and wreak havoc. Without any consideration of what has been achieved or the continuity of power. It is reported that the opposition camp, Rajoelina is not the only leader. In other regions, Albert Zafy, Roland Ratsiraka and other hard to mobilize the end of this power. And all this without coordination. Each draws on his side and as he wants. So already anarchy within the opposition .. Their common message is that morbid "go further to change the law"!

Oppose Madagascar is to destroy!



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