Thursday, March 5, 2009

Best Vote Of Thanks Speech For Wedding


Antananarivo, theater ridiculous excesses of all kinds. That's what griefers want today. We must recognize that they have changed their strategy to achieve their purpose: instead of congregating in the square May 13 to hear the new "messiah" able to establish democracy three days after the fall of Ravalomanana They scatter their loyal soldiers in the neighborhoods. What for ? Watching for the slightest lack of law enforcement and looting stores, vandalize cars and stupidly barricade. All this to mean that the public and political life is down, security is not safe ... By the way, the urban population is concerned and can not attend quietly to their daily concerns.

Twinkle, all this is to encourage the power of violence. This is clearly a trap to the government and mostly because he Ravalomanana's main target. The opposition leaders are currently testing the strength and power capacity in place to manage this conflict. And they hope to emerge victorious because of trouble over this situation continues, the odds are high on the cancellation of the holding of such international meetings in Madagascar: African summit and summit of the Francophonie. But they must disabuse because the struggle for liberation and democracy are not moving either. It should be noted that besides democracy, we now also fight for liberation. No comment. To say that the opposition does that ravage our country. Disorder, chaos, looting, killing, these are the keywords to get a general idea of this camp.

But the other side of this event also gives pause. It is the eternal return instead of May 13 One arrives to hear the "Messiah" is slap the means of all stripes, we applauded his arrival, people listen and go back to being fortified his exhortations and motivation "pecuniary" is being distributed discretely . Everything becomes a song because the same promises were researching and so many members leaving the ranks. A "ras-le-bol" certain invading the camp. A father, an employee of the zone, does still not spend his time cheering and dancing sketch a hip fast-paced as "samba TGViste" while has children to feed. Moreover, the workplace has nothing to do with this event. Except those who have nothing to do with nothing to lose and everything to gain, including display their loyalty and punctuality. Serious people are engaged in serious matters.

From that day, March 5, 2009, one must choose: either we are talking seriously as part of a dialogue, or we let the guns talk. A word, hello!



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