Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Is Ge Lisinopril Used For?

Why Dialogue? What

We Are Confused By The position taken by The Official Representation of the international community in Madagascar. As U.S. Citizens, we are particularly Concerned With The United States Government's view.

We Understand That Mr. Rajoelina Some Legitimate Concerns Brought Before the People and the Government of Madagascar.

We understand that he and those with him had a right to express their opinions and concerns and call for change.

What we do not understand is why the international community, with the exception of the British, did not denounce Mr. Rajoelina after his followers and “ministers” began trying to take ministry buildings the week of February 16th. On February 19th, Mr. Rajoelina’s supporters forcefully broke into 4 ministry buildings using lock cutters, hammer and chisel, and a crow bar, took down the pictures of President Ravalomanana, and declared themselves in charge of those 4 ministries.

At that point, Mr. Rajoelina and those in his “government” clearly broke Malagasy law. Is there a country in the world where people are allowed to break into government buildings for the stated purpose of overthrowing the government without being arrested and charged with insurrection?

Why does the international community continue to press for dialogue and ask that Mr. Rajoelina and others involved not be arrested?

What principle of democracy are they trying to uphold by asking the democratically elected government of a sovereign nation to not arrest the people responsible for trying to overthrow the government?

To repeatedly pressure the Malagasy government to negotiate with someone who has broken the law and whose expressed intent is to have the democratically elected president step down only serves to undermine the rule of Law in Madagascar. When

crimes Committed in the Name of politics are Allowed to go unpunished, it sets a very dangerous precedent. Impunity in the Name of Politics to Promote reservations only anarchy.

U.S. Friends of Madagascar


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