Monday, February 23, 2009

Does Chlamydia Damage The Kidneys

Democracy Is not established in Madagascar?

interpretations arise around the decision to accept this Rajoelina meeting with Marc Ravalomanana, Samec February 21, 2009, at 13:00, at FALDA Antanimena, under the mediation of FFKM.

For my part, I think it is, above all, the triumph of reason and conscience. Everyone has tried to silence the personal ambition to put the top priorities of all the good of the country. It's a good sign reflecting the desire to escape the communist country from this impasse. In reality, neither Marc Ravalomanana nor Rajoelina nor the people found no benefit of such devastation. Now it's time for sober reflection in order to make a conscientious review and assess what has been done since the beginning of this political crisis. Of course friends are there. Certainly, we need advice. But time is also an examination of conscience. This, by itself before the mistakes (willingly or unwillingly) and social values that are illuminated the decisions and actions of all Malagasy citizens of good will, namely national unity, "fihavanana" and " soa iombonana. Leave behind the reason and conscience freely choose what is most valuable The destruction or construction. I also sincerely believe that this meeting is more than ever, an opportunity for both stand out with determination of all that has hindered and still hampers progress towards true recovery of the country.
In my opinion, the time has come for Rajoelina to convey to all Malagasy that his real aim was masked by these outbursts. If so, of course. Where such damage would not be part of its strategy, it has interest to clarify its true objective. Conditions are ripe for this, after this meeting. He must at all costs to get rid of all the people who influence one way or another to make this country a theater of civil war and blood.

FFKM members are not politicians, is evident. But Rajoelina must, with Marc Ravalomanana, to consider their advice. They are one thing: the good of the people. Besides, that's all that interests the Malagasy at the moment.



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