Friday, February 27, 2009

Trichozed Vs Provillus

Listening to the "wise"

Foreword Conditionalities if one wants to return to a political transition: A-MARC his departure is not negotiable
it was elected in 2006 with 54, 6% of the votes, he is the guarantor of legality and constitutionality of this approach, the context of 2002 should no longer be taken into account to show that he took power in the street

B-Rethinking mechanisms of representation more in line with democratic principles


pluralism, free elections, freedom of association and the media, rule of law, respect for human rights, citizen participation and everything about good governance and the democratic aspirations and demands by the people for a real Change Challenges of Globalization and International Economic Recession democracy, this is not only the addition of the votes, but also exercise power through elected representatives and the institutions

Democracy is the daughter of reason and light:

It involves both new ideas continuously, foresight on the future of mankind but also the awakening of consciousness with the religious (man is the measure of all things,) then exit its final supremacy of the gods ,

policy may make laws, change the tide


Reviews cons Practices Plan RAVALOMANANA

- whatever the motives and reasons which led the demonstrators to Ambohitsorohitra Nothing justifies this carnage that claimed the lives of many fellow citizens, we can only condemn such acts of barbarism while recognizing that the responsibility is equally shared by the two camps, the independent inquiry commissioned by the UN and accepted by President Ravalomanana on February 14 will determine the causes

- Repression is not a good answer to any political demand and social

- The practice of vote buying that has distorted the recent elections (legislative and municipal) - Legal Fraud: the unequal division of constituencies or by clever intricacies of the voting and manipulation of voter lists

- Prohibition on the opposition to hold political meetings by the administrative authorities (Prefect of Police and Heads of Districts etc ....) Contradicts the constitution

- Monopoly Party Majority (TIAKO MADAGASCAR) Public Media, the opposition representative and able to play opposite point of view and critical social project of the government program such as Roland Ratsiraka (10.5%), Lahiniriko (12.5%), fire Herizo Razafimahaleo (+9, 8%) or + 30% of votes in the presidential elections of December 2006 (reference only elections were fraud or + or - tolerated), have never had access to state television and National Radio

- The purchase of new aircraft so that the people languished in poverty and lack of transparency in the treatment of 'Daewoo although there were good intentions if Parliament had played its role in representing the people, the situation could have been avoided

- Drifts in constitutional public finance Sylla government including the Minister of Finance been Radavidson Andriamparany (requisitions, tax exemptions, exceeding the budgetary framework . Mismanagement in government corporations and insurance ARO NY HAVANA JIRAMA or, in harbors, precious woods ... etc.), the revelations already known to insiders pseudo Minister of Finance on May 13 confirms this well but this is only Tiko Group, which has been such a favor? Because the list may be long

The AMPAMAOKA or unpacking is a game of Russian roulette, dangerous and laugh than to turn against its author, unpacking is a poison in political practice, information is difficult verifiable and do not often fit with the realities of the moment,

history must tirelessly to establish the facts, put them in context, in an environment that produced them, prioritize its importance in understanding the scope is primarily a prerequisite for any attempt at understanding the past and the famous paradigm''any fault management in the public service is justified
- Failure to compete with monopoly allocation to groups of companies belonging to the President of the Republic and its allies in the supply of foodstuffs, in the provision of medicines, agricultural inputs and energy, current crisis has shown its limitations after the plunder of central purchasing, which resulted in shortages and inflation of essential commodities

Accusations and Complaints against the movement of Rajoelina

Confusion of roles between the departure Functions Mayor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Injet and the leader of the Association TGV to conduct political demands, private interests were intertwined with the commonwealth, which has earned the similarity of behavior with President Ravalomanana, this situation led to instability of the claims that change over meetings and make it difficult to attempt dialogue

There is a clear lack of maturity and political culture that undermine his movement hackneyed slogans of democracy''and''civil liberties that we do not control nor the concept or the meaning and without n 'there is no ideological background or concepts and arguments in 2009 that align with the global reality, or to draft a vision of society in response to criticism on mismanagement in the management of public affairs, those there would have warranted a democratic uprising and rebellion citizen that could be described startle popular

executives and intellectuals Malagasy are reduced to the status of observers facing this dialectic or appearances, the navel, protectionism (which scares foreign investors) are the necessary ingredients for convince people in distress who does only improve their welfare and help develop his country

The desire of the population is finding the means and actions to achieve a smooth alternation in democracy a return to republican values

or transition prepares us for a fair future while hoping that
policy resume the nobility
  • for the next presidential term;
  • we have more businessmen to interfere in the national representation to avoid the excesses that the people currently endure or the best interests of the nation are obscured in profits for private interests to all levels and thus avoid confusion between public affairs and pockets of operators become enchanted by politicians with money
  • SOLUTIONS A-A transition structure comprising a Government of National Unity with the task of organizing Elections and recover our economy with confidence and this in a unique environment including:

Make organizing transparent and democratic elections, a prime criterion in the allocation of official development assistance; adopt an attitude more demanding with respect Government organizer Strongly support within civil society, pro-democracy organizations, especially during election appointment, encourage the training of domestic election monitors and publicly condemn

make no assistance to the international observation missions complacency, even when they involve elected French; promote the establishment of European missions headed by individuals whose countries have no economic interests in the State concerned

    recast a new electoral code and implementation a national commission Independent Electoral and adoption of a single ballot by order
  • convene a conference of political parties on the theme of national reconciliation and revision of certain articles of the constitution
  • B-Methods and criteria for appointing members government and immediate implementation
  • Prime Minister and the nominees must take oath that they will not participate in the forthcoming Presidential election and should be part of any support committee in order to ensure their total independence
  • To preserve the legality of the process, the Prime Minister (civil or military) will be appointed by the President of the Republic (PRM) with full powers to the parliament voted by an absolute majority, that institution will dissolve itself after and replaced by a higher authority called Transition ( High Council of The Republic) that role will be to ratify the legality of orders made by the transitional government
  • ministerial positions will be allocated among the following entities:

supporters of the current PRM and the presidential

supporters of the mayor and the platform of the opposition

armed forces to ensure peace and security of citizens
    civil society to ensure the fairness of elections and social peace
  • .1 B - Criteria for appointment are as follows:
  • - Having a sense acute patriotism and interest
  • - Be a graduate of higher education, trained in arcane technocratic public administration and have a basic knowledge in public finance
  • - Never have had hiccups in the career path (criminal conviction or other ... ....)
- being with a political culture, ethics and moral integrity flawless
B.2 - Institutions will be composed as follows:

The President of the Republic

The High Council of the Republic headed by an eminent person appointed by the opposition and Mayor RAJOELINA and not originating from Antananarivo to meet the regional balance The Government of National Unity
    High Constitutional Court
  • The mediator
  • the chambers and union representative (, trade, industry, handicrafts, agriculture) as the Economic and Social Role
  • prerogatives powers of these institutions will be defined by a national agreement approved by two chambers (Senate and National Assembly ) before their dissolution upon implementation
  • budgets related to these 2 rooms will be re-dissolved the High Council of the Republic and distributed equitably to areas prioritized by the Government of Transition

TERM A period of 12 to 24 months will be granted to the transition to restart the economy, and respect:
The holding of international summits (African Union and Francophonie)

The commitments made in the MAP according to the roadmap, the matrix, different arrangements agreed with donors and financial partners of Madagascar

the legal and constitutional timetable for new elections and the coming into force of a new presidential term in 2012
  • for the collective of cadres and intellectuals
  • Members of the Association's'' children of the 1st Republic
  • Secretary General
    Franck Ramarosaona
Political scientist, economist


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