Friday, February 27, 2009

Watch Kate's Playground

Out of Crisis: Basic principles for the negotiations between the parties

This was suspected for some time now proven: Rajoelina and its opposition allies foment a real coup d ' State. The Mayor of Antananarivo has said clearly expressed on RFI yesterday. It is a statement that sheds new light on the situation in Madagascar.
This explains the about-face and the policy of escalation that has developed since. Today that its transmitters have been rendered, that young people arrested in the hottest scenes of looting have been released, he keeps making new demands for a possible dialogue if this is still possible with someone who has formally declared that he is leading a coup d ' State.
In the name of defending democracy that has led thousands of citizens in its motion that declares non-violent. Looting and deaths belie such a declaration of non-violence. Nobody knows what the Treaty on Democracy figure recourse to the coup was the hidden agenda to the public and is now revealed here before the world.
behalf of democracy, the Government has left the event unfold. Now it is clear to everyone: it is therefore to support a coup, the rest is window dressing. Also avoid the parallel with the easy movement 2002. In 2002 the crisis was born of the election results are challenged. In 2009, a month was enough comedy to update an attempted coup.

After being gutted by looting the allied movements of the Mayor, Antananarivo, was declared dead city. Antananarivo will never be dead no matter what. Antananarivo needs to use this day to think carefully about whether to support a coup with all the consequences that will result in nationally and internationally. In summary : Setback for several years on what has been achieved even if everything was not perfect.

Antananarivo must reflect on the credit you can give promises of readjustment program from the conduct of national affairs of a politician who, under the guise of the word democracy was fomenting a coup. A program that begins with a lie is it credible term? Do people feel cheated today or not? Is she still is willing to follow someone who began by deceiving so cynical? For example, who will sell - t - he can then?


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