Friday, February 27, 2009

Software Exception C0000005 Error In Tally9

Need clarity

long time, some agree that Madagascar needs more "wise" than "intellectuals". Why? I leave you to answer them personally. But in the context of the crisis in our country right now, it should be reflect on the appeals of the "wise men"

I mean by "wise men" by those who spare no efforts to find a peaceful solution to the current problem .. Among others, we quote the FFKM, the international community, the United Nations, the Indian Ocean Commission, the African Unity. Their calls are for both camps: the President of the Republic, Marc Ravalomanana, and his government on the one hand, that of Mr. Rajoelina and the opposition on the other side. Briefly, here are the highlights of their messages: Abstinence provocation, exercise restraint, avoid overflow, continuing dialogue and accept the concession or compromise. The aim is clear that the good of the Malagasy people. That is a goal whose realization requires great dedication if I may say so, the part of both entities in conflict. To do this, personal ambition must be sacrificed. This is the price that a solution of clearing appear. And this is not a defeat because the objective is noble, namely the good of all citizens. Through his speech, Mr Marc Ravalomanana fails to remind its determination listening and dialogue to jointly seek the solution to this major impediment to the country's life. Or so he suggests. The desire to end this situation is poignant here. I think he learned from the past.
It remains for both sides to smooth the wall of personal ambition. This is what is blocking efforts for seeking a political settlement. That's what his ears not to listen to the "wise". The ones who do not spare their time to launch the appeal to reason and dialogue.
Force? Act?

Any male member of a city has the right to participate in its construction. Sure. And citizen education should focus on explaining the importance of this right. It starts already in the middle school and continues into the everyday life of grownups. In fact, through individual and collective behavior of citizens, we can evaluate the quality of education for citizenship.

The construction of the city is a work of all. Everyone should contribute according to its competence. It is not fair to exclude anyone either in this noble task.

However, speaking of law, it is necessary to see clearly. To be explicit, distinguish the right of the strongest and positive law. The first is based on force. Practically, the possibility of the claim is assessed Depending on the strength we have. Second, it is built based on constitutional law. Here, the claim is channeled by the laws governing the city. This requires a deep understanding of the importance to comply with the law. And that the democratic spirit that we must teach, so to speak, to every citizen in a democratic country.

From discount this explanation, it appears that the forcing of taking the departments under the pretext that it is a popular demand, within the right of the strongest. The last straw? It is a destructive force in view of damage arising from up there. What is cruelly sacrificed is education for citizenship. Is it time forever by this strategy at risk, take to the streets to demand any change in Madagascar? How long will they stay the Malagasy in this way "shameful" to exercise their perfectly legitimate? Still, the right to invest real power must be founded on law. Any force exerted through illegal surely will, sooner or later, the restriction of freedom because "the strong crush without pity the weak ".

"Ny ny hery tsy Mahaleo fanahy. This means that the force does not overcome reason. This assumption is relevant: the stronger will be overwritten when another even stronger than him. Those who listen to reason does not yield to the temptation of the exercise of force. Speak clear reason, that faculty which is what is noble and worthy of human beings, do not proceed to violence embodied by looting, plundering, sacrifice of human lives. The reason for conducting the humane solution to resolve a conflict, namely dialogue. We are "reasonable people". Our interest to honor the distinctive characteristic of our human nature. Why alienate our reason? We make history. Begin to educate our countrymen to understand that "all violence calls another", which benefits no one. Civil war looms on the horizon of our beloved island, will be catastrophic and will contribute to strengthening the education of force and violence. No. We are in a democratic country where we must urgently find that the real strength is in the law.

short, let us remember this: "any right based on force will collapse like a house of cards will come when autre beaucoup plus fort. "
Sanatria ny amin'ny mampitovy Olona biby fa ny "lalàn'ny ala" (loi de la jungle ") to koa hoe" Sandry didin'ny be "no tiana hampiharina sy tetika ampiasaina amin'izao" Tolon "izao. That is very mihisty ny maha Olona dia ny "fanahy" Izay deposited ikatsahana ny ny mahasoa mpiara-belona, Izay nth-mandresy haratsiana ny, ny famotehina, NY fandravana, Izay Entin mandinika ihany koa. Misy ary ny Hisyam foana mahery NoHo NY mahery Raha Hery, fanehoan-Kery no avoitra eto amin'ny firenentsika. Ny "Hery tsy ny mahaleo fanahy" to izany indrindra no ankaherezana ireo mampiasa herisetra mba tsy ny hitady elanelam-panahy amin'izao krizy izao mba tsy "aha-very fanahy mbola Velon" ny tsy vahoaka vaky volunteers.



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