Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Does Folicure Make Your Hair Grow

Need clarity

the outset, say that the establishment of democracy in a country does not happen from one day to another. It is a work in progress. In Madagascar, the attraction such a political doctrine has taken the Malagasy from the distant past. In fact, March 29, 1947 was the birth of the Democratic Movement for Malagasy Renewal. Known by the acronym MDRM In our independence, 26 June 1960, called the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD ). The Second Republic, since December 1975, was named the Democratic Republic of Madagascar. Not to mention other political entities that call themselves "democrats." For 62 years, therefore, training in the spirit of democracy is established in our dear country. Even now we dare say that we are not yet satisfied with the effectiveness of this training, especially its application in all sectors of national life. And not without reason. No comment. Our concern in the present context is the strategy of implementation of this doctrine by the movement TGV. Since the beginning of this year 2009, the voice rises on May 13 Square, demanding democracy. It is a laudable aspiration in principle. But the strategy to do this is reprehensible, if not repulsive. There is no need to recall the material and human damage that this has caused. All that can say is "horrible."
tangible proof that the democratic spirit is not yet a reality in the behavior of many Malagasy citizens. Indeed, it is not in the streets or by the looting of public property sought to establish democracy. A TVM, it showed the damage done by the camp TGViste when taking the 4 departments in the course of the afternoon of Thursday, February 19 2009. Sorry, democracy is established to build not destroy.

By cons, to meet this aspiration of the demonstrators, the President of the Republic has repeatedly stressed its willingness to listen to the people. So yesterday, 02/20/2009, he listened to some leaders of political parties in Madagascar, in this case Manandafy RAKOTONIRINA, President of MFM. The latter have suggested holding a national dialogue for the seat of democracy in Madagascar, involving of course the political parties and other forces involved. Bravo. However, a correction: talking Instead of improving democracy, but not the establishment of democracy since the experiments of long duration. It has shaped our minds for 62 years. No wonder if this is still not looking good as the story unfolds in a dynamic way. It makes changes that deserve our attention and which may call into question some of our social practices. Hence the importance of such dialogue.

It is 15:00 at the time these ideas are given birth. At 14:45, the meeting Rajoelina and Marc Ravalomanana took place in the ECAR Antanimena, un liệu neutre, et n'a que duré 45mn, sous l'égide du FFKM.

Que la raison devant le sentiment Triomphe!

1947 Hatramin'ny no Teto nampiasaina basket ny Madagasikara ary ny teny hoe demokratia repoblika nifanesy Teto he natao hoe «repoblika demokratika». TSY-baovao he zava loatra demokratia fa noho ny izany 62 taona basket. Ny azo fangatahana sy ny mety atao ankehitriny he «fanatsarana» fa TSY ny «fametrahana» satria ny misy fiovan »toetr'andro noho ny ny rivotra mistoka HAFA Samy. Izany indrindra no mety ilaina fifampidinihina sehatra nationaly eo amin'ny ho momba izay mety fanatsarana.



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