Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Long Does The Risperidone

Who benefits from crime

The period of political crisis must lead to a questioning of certain concepts, practices and strategies in the life of the country in general. The crisis has certainly its cause. It is necessary therefore for the leaders to be attentive to these claims. The second meeting

Marc Ravalomanana and Rajoelina yesterday between precisely in the context of this mutual listening in order to find the outcome of this political conflict.

It is also recognized by newspapers and websites that Malagasy Rajoelina focused his claims yesterday, Monday, February 23, 2009, on three points: - Access to the RNM and TVM,
- The release of Mr. Jean Theodore Ranjivason, former Minister of Education, First, Public Service and Social Legislation, after, in the Government of Jacques Sylla.
These conditions were not met, it will be in place May 13 with his supporters. Therefore, events will resume!

Meanwhile, Marc Ravalomanana has merely reiterated its willingness to listen to his people and openness. First portal to reflect

Anyway, the transition similar to a Zero start is fatal to the country. Donors will not be leaving to finance new projects like those already in progress were worthless. Thousands of dollars have been allocated. It's better to a change of government, according to this request Rajoelina, however, accepting the conditions for the continuity of power. Yes, for an open government, but not for a government that will sweep away everything that was done for seven years. The U.S. Ambassador said even that "extra-constitutional situation implies a suspension of aid pending a legal status (see, over the events of 24 February). The leader of this event must walk on eggshells in this process of negotiation, instead insisting on imposing conditions on conditions. He must understand that it is not the only beneficial to know the way out of this crisis. In a negotiation, both parties should respect and accept the concession. In truth, he must try with Marc Ravalomanana, and why not, the mediators, the solution. This will be the result of ideas from each other but not the private property of one individual who claims to represent the people. By

Moreover, one wonders again until now what he wants behind all these conditions? Can it not be more clear? I define, in fact, the condition as follows: "that without which something can be done . So what does he want to achieve once these conditions are met? This was the "absolute snag. Be clear

Mr. Andry. Unmask yourself. The Malagasy people is eager to have at least a quiet life. You, you only to plunge into the abyss of misery with all this litany of conditions. And for the days to come, what else?



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